It is all about Balance

Being a personal trainer I tell my clients to eat healthy and stay away from as much processed food and alcohol as possible. Living a healthy lifestyle is the only way to build and maintain a healthy and fit body. There is no shortcuts that last in the long run.
Life is all about balance and there is a time and place for everything. Sure, I wouldn’t recommend anyone to have take-away food every day but to be able to relax and enjoy is almost equally important as being consistent in your training and diet regime. Balance is the key.
As a teenager I was heavily involved in the fitness industry and my life was circulating around training, cooking and eating. I tried most things. I didn’t drink, I ate vegetarian food, low carb diets and low fat diets. With training it was the same. One day I did high volume training, the next high intense. Cardiovascular training and weights.I am happy that I was so curious and tried different sports and diets. I have always been interested in finding out what happened with the body when I changed something. Unfortunatly things got almost too controlled and this was where I leant one of the most important lessons in regards to fitness.
You do need a balance.
Easier said that done. It is all about being able to make the right choices, learn about training and nutrition so you know when to use the different techniques to reach your go
als. For many people the hardest thing is to lower the bar, to give yourself some time off and relax.
As you know I have been on holiday for the last few days. I went to New Zealand, back to a place I used to live. I decided to take a couple weeks off my normal diet and training regime to enjoy some great food and wine. We all have our favorite foods that sometimes not fit into our lives, at least not on a regular basis. So during this holiday I made sure to fit in all my favorites.
Over the last couple of days I have truly relaxed. I have had a great time. I got a few more days before I get back to work but I can already feel that I am ready to get back into my fitness lifestyle. I feel recharged and energetic. I love to cook healthy food, I love the feeling of being healthy. This is my life and I can’t wait to get back into it.
So if you also have had some time off during the festive season, eaten a bit more than you normally do. Don’t feel bad about it... take it for what it is. A holiday. Both you and your body will benefit for it in the long run. Make sure that once the festive season is over you will get back on track. For now, let’s enjoy the holiday as long as it goes.