Christmas Parties...
This weekend i I had three parties to polish off. First up was Cornerbox Chistmas Party. I work together with Cornerbox shooting a TV series for channel 7 which is coming out in February 2009. I work as a personal trainer over 12 episodes. Keep you eyes open for the ads coming up in the new year.

The whole team has been working very hard over the last few months to make the show happen. I didn't realize how many people are involved in making TV. Most of the people I actually never even met but kept in contact via email on a weekly basis. This is where the tradition of work christmas parties comes in.
In the real world there has to be a natural heir-achy for things to run smooth and to solve any problems that arise as soon as possible. Everybody play their roll and this is what makes a workplace successful. In recent years corporate challenges and team-building exercises has been more and more popular and that for a purpose. Getting to know your work colleagues outside the already arranged work situation can be beneficial for the understanding of respect of each other hence improve the team work.
There you go... That is reason enough for the a good Christmas party. The Cornerbox party was a great start. We went to the Argyle in the Rocks, Sydney. Had a few beers and just had a good time. As I had three days of party ahead and I had to get up early the next morning for personal training, I stopped at a couple of beers, called it a night and went home.

Following day was my last day of work and the annual Chadwick Christmas party was launched at Hugo's in Kings Cross. Chadwick Models is my agent in Australia. I must say that over the years I have met quite a few agencies but no one as friendly and relaxed as Chadwick. My booker Martin De Courtney is a star. He always looks after me and we have a great time... especially at parties like this one. We later went on to Shhh nightclub for a few more before calling it a night. It was great catching up with friends that I haven't een for a long time. You recognize your friends when you can be apart for a long time but when you finally meet you are back where you were last time you spoke.

I woke up around midday saturday with a head feeling slightly heavier than normal. One large bottle of water, some porrige, fruit sallad and I was back on track. It was saturday and PR guru John Scott was promoting Stephanie Leslight birthday bash at Ivy pool. I was pretty keen to go as I never been before and I had got some good vibes from friends who where going there on a regular basis.

I have now got a new favorite venue in Sydney. Ivy Pool got a classy but still funky interior and the bar are built up around the pool in the middle. Even though we did not have anyone swim this time I got told that on sundays afternoons you can rock up in your boardies, have a cocktail and enjoy the sun together with good friends.... in the middle of Sydney. Sounds like a great start to me. You can count on I will hang here more over the summer.
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