Thursday 26 March 2009

8 below zero

I have been planning a trip to Sweden to do some work and at the same time catch up with my family. 

As I am writing this blog entry I am sitting in my family kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. The ground outside is covered in a thin layer of snow and the thermometer is showing 2 degrees below zero. 

Even though I am a summer kind of guy who likes the beaches of Sydney and getting toasty in the sun there is something special about a cold spring day in Sweden. 

Yesterday the temperature fell to 8 degrees below zero and I decided to do a trip to the local smokery to grab some freshly smoked eel, mackerel and salmon. Seafood at it's best.

Growing up by the sea, smoking have always been my preferred way of cooking seafood. Even though you can get both cold and hot smoked salmon in Sydney I find that smoking seafood is underestimated as a cooking method. I will make some research and see if I can bring some new found smoking skills to bring back to Sydney.

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Sunday 8 March 2009

Sweden here I come..

First I want to excuse my behavior of ceasing my blog entries without warning. I guess it has been several factors involved. First I succeeded to break my camera so I could not take any photos. For you to realize in what pace I live my life I broke a Olympus 795 SW which accordingly to to advertising can handle an active lifestyle. It is waterproof to 10m, shock proof and could handle a pressure of 100 kg. Of course this wasn't enough and it stopped working 2 months after the warranty went out. Trust me to succeed with that one.

Secondly I must admit I have been a bit lazy, I have had lots on my plate and therefor I should have a lot to write about but this is where I suspect laziness snuck up on me.

The third factor is that my plans have changed radically. I am leaving to Sweden in two weeks. It was 2 years ago I saw my family back in sweden and the right time came up as I just finished shooting 10 Years younger for Channel 7.

Sweden, Here I come.

