Size does NOT matter

The other day I decided to take Camille out for her first day of pike fishing. Pike is a barracuda looking predator which has a firm, tasty flesh that makes it ideal for healthy and delicious meals. Pike can grow up to 30 kilos even though my record is much more modest at 4.5 kilos. I live on the fact that a smaller fish tastes better. (hmm that sound good, i stick to that story)

So this day we went out to try our luck. About 30 minute into our day, Camille not only caught the biggest fish of the day, but it was her first pike AND it broke my record by 500g. This was a 5 kilo pike.
Now, I wasn't really supposed to show this last images, but what the heck, at least I did not come home empty handed... and as I said before, smaller fish taste better.

Very good Camille!
Hope you enjoy your vacation here in Sweden.
Andreas, nu skäms du allt va?
Hur var det nu, surt sa räven om rönnbären!!!
That is the funniest story you've written yet!! I'll save those photos just in case you decide to delete it. :-) enjoy the rest of your trip... but come back quickly to help me get back to the gym! a sinus/headcold has had me only do cardio twice in the last 3 weeks. I'm feeling crap. :-( Take care and I look forward to more stories of Camille's fishing prowess.
Don't worry Lee, I will be back very soon. Of course I will keep you updated in regards to our fishing progress. I think that later in this week we will try to catch some perch then later in the month go fly fishing for trout. Who knows, I might even through in a receipt or two so you can practice your cooking :)
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