Surfing Progress - New Zealand

I have been trying to learn to surf for about 3 weeks. I must say that I do love my new found sport. Even though I wouldn’t count surfing as exercise I find it a great way to stay active, have fun and at the same time burn a few extra calories. I think having a broad sporting background have helped me pick it up rather quick and I have succeeded to catch a few nice waves.
As I had to go over to New Zealand for work I decided to bring my board over. Most people do not realize that you get another 5-10 kg of extra baggage allowance for sporting gear so it was no trouble. After my first couple of weeks of practice amongst many other surfers on Bondi beach I was thrilled to find that a lot of New Zealand beaches got plenty of space and as you can see on the photos you often keep a wave to yourself.
After my meetings I spent my weekend on a road-trip over the north island of New Zealand together with Camille. I succeeded to squeeze in three different beaches. Famous Raglan beach west of Hamilton where I used to live and the Pakiri Beach and Mount Manganui on the east coast. In true road-trip spirit we decided to take a chance and drive over to a beach which neither of us had been to before. We guessed the beach might have some surf. This is how we ended up in Pakiri beach. The photos you see are all taken at this beach. Sometimes you are better off not plan too much, especially on holidays.
In one moment of confidence I tried the board that I had my very first encounter with the surf on. Last time I tried my efforts more or less looked like a washing machine and even though I had great fun spending more time under the water than on top it was not very succeesfull. This time around I supprised myself to actually being able to catch a few waves on the board even if the board was only 6’2 and only the tip of the board was above water as I paddled for the waves.
Another step in the right direction. I did not get the chance to capture this moment on film but I hope it wasn't all beginners luck so I can repeat it once more. I still got a free lesson at Let’s go Surfing in North Bondi as this came with the board I purschased. I will try to book that in the next few weeks and I will return with an update.
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