Swedish Cheese Cake
Today Sascha came over for morning tea. Both of us are currently trying to be healthy so cakes and biscuits wasn't really on the menu. I decided to bake a swedish cheesecake. This is a receipt that I have recommended a lot of my clients as it is a perfect snack to make over the weekend for the following week.
The trick with the cheesecake is to put some effort in to the preparations of the mixture as this decides if you are going to get a nice fluffy cake... or a dense pancake kind of snack. So read the instructions and try to stick to them as much as possible.
Swedish Peach Cheesecake 4 Portions
(Per serving: 247 Cal, 10g Fat (2.5 Saturated), 15g Carbs, 25g Protein)

400g Low Fat Cottage Cheese
2 Eggs
75 ml Non Fat Milk
100 ml Raw Almond Kernels
2 Tbsp Splenda
2 Tbsp Wheat Flour
1 Pinch Xanhtan gum
4 Half Peaches in Juice
(Almond essence and Cinnamon)
Margarine and Breadcrumbs for lining the tin.
Put the owen on 225 degrees.
Use an almond grinder to grind the almonds to a flour then mix together with the rest of the dry ingredients. Mix well before grinding the mixture once more to get a smoother mixture. Put to the side. Put the cottage cheese, milk, egg yolks and (almond essence) in a blender and mix until smooth.
Rub the inside of the tin used (1 large or 4 small) with margarine. Then cover the sides in breadcrumbs before gently shake the excess off. Beat the egg whites until stiff.
Start by mixing the dry flour mixture with the cottage cheese mixture. Blend well before gentle fold down the beaten egg whites. Spoon a thin layer of mixture into the tin(s) then place a half a peach on top. Cover the peaches with the rest of the mixture and sprinkle some cinnamon on top.
Put into the middle of the owen for about 30 min for small shapes and 60 min for a large one. If the cake gets enough color cover with tin foil and continue bake until done. The aim is to get the peach to hover in the mixture. This way you keep at the moisture of from the peaches.
Once done, take the cake out and let cool before removing the tin. If you trying to remove the tin right away the cake will collapse. Sprinkle some splenda on top. Serve lukewarm.
Tip: Make sure to use Splenda or any other sucralose sweetener as Aspartame (Equal) breaks down during prolonged heat and taste bitter.
Wonderful tasting & healthy dessert, however difficult to perfect. It looked beautiful in the oven but then condensed to a pancake! I need to try making it again!
I am excited to try this... but, as a nutritional therapist, must share with you my concern for your health using "splenda." Keep in mind that it is carcinogenic and that some people begin to deteriorate when using it. I believe, if I remember my research correctly, it is chlorinated sugar. Also good to note: Aspartame has a lot of highly manipulated "scientific" support. It is a dangerous product backed by BIG corporate money. Many people develop brain tumors, brain deterioration, diabetic-like symptoms (loss of eyes etc.), slurred speech, M.S.-like symptoms, developmental damage in children, etc.
I prefer to use stevia leaf extract. You can find many stevia products that do not have the bitter taste (or extra ingredients) and they work wonderfully! It is completely natural and does not do frightening damage to the body. Totally provided by nature!
Also, a little word on margarine: in general margarine products are made from highly processed and denatured polyunsaturated oils such as canola, soy, vegetable, and so on, oils which are only meant to be eaten in small servings as nature does not provide them in large portions. Ideally we would be consuming extra virgin, cold-pressed oils such as olive oil (not soy, canola or vegetable). And, hard or soft, these oils are not for cooking. High heat rancidifies them and makes them unsafe to ingest. Coconut oils, and butters are safer to cook with as they can tolerate heat, their molecular structure stays intact and the body can then recognize and use them when ingested as opposed to turning them into trans-fats. Also, whole, naturally occurring fats help regulate and slow down the metabolism of sugar in the body. So when you consume berries and cultured cream, for example, you don't get a sugar spike and then a sugar low. Fats help us sustain our energy for longer periods of time, satiate our hunger and allow us to eat smaller portions without depriving ourselves of nutrients (assuming the diet is nutrient dense and properly prepared). Think of fats as the "logs" to our energy "fires". They burn longer and slower. You can also think of the United States: there is a lot of hype in the U.S. about low fat no fat diets and foods, many people go for the skim milk, the margarine, the diet sodas and beverages... but why then are the issues with obesity so high? The problems with heart disease and mental health so enormous? Here in the U.S. there is a lot of marketing control around the myths of "healthful eating" and I hate to see it become so global!
"know your fats" by M.G. Enig, Ph.D.
"Pottenger's Cats: a study in nutrition" by Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD
"put your heart in your mouth" by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (amazing!)
"Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon and M.G. Enig, Ph.D.
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